
February is American Heart Month!

Taking steps today to a healthier heart tomorrow...💓

By Camille Bisignaro, Publisher of Macaroni KID Warminster-Willow Grove, PA February 11, 2024

As you may already know, I had a baby over the summer! Before he made his grand entrance earth-side, I had some health concerns that led to me paying closer attention to my body. It started with backaches, then pelvic girdle pain, followed by random chest pains. I felt like I was falling apart! It was the chest pains that concerned me that something more could be going on. I wasn’t sure if I was experiencing anxiety, a panic attack, or worse, having a heart attack. I had always been in good health, and previously had relatively smooth pregnancies, so why would this time around be any different? I realized very quickly how important it was for me to learn more about my body and pay closer attention to the symptoms that I was having. Thankfully, my heart was okay, but I learned a valuable lesson… I needed to be more proactive regarding my health, take the time to do research, and ask my doctor more questions.

February marks American Heart Month. If you haven’t already taken steps to learn more about heart health, here’s your sign, don’t miss these important dates, shared by The American Heart Association. Follow the links below for each date to learn more about what you can do to better manage your own health, and how to help spread awareness to your loved ones:

The American Heart Association (AHA) is celebrating its 100th year in 2024! As moms (and dads) it is SO important to take our health seriously. Our kids are counting on us! If you're ready to educate yourselves and your children, wherever possible, about warning signs to look out for, and what to do in case of an emergency, keep scrolling to see what certifications are available to you.

Below is a list of locations in the Warminster-Willow Grove area offering courses that will help you and your family be prepared in the event of an emergency:

💓 MY Training Group

300 Brookside Ave, Ambler, PA 19002

💓 Willow Grove CPR

2735 Terwood Rd Rd, Willow Grove, PA 19090

💓 Stay Calm and Start CPR, LLC

523 Bethlehem Pike, Erdenheim, PA 19038

💓 Ready Response CPR

1501 Huntingdon Rd, Abington, PA 19001

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